This is VOA broadcasting from Tigali, Phillipines in Korean to the "Far East" (you know where they're broadcasting in Korean to, right?) and underneith you can hear the interval signal of another station. Recognize it?
This was at 1500z and here's the map:
Yeah, that's Deuche Welle broadcasting to eastern Africa, but if that's a direct path to me, it's all daylight and there's no way I'd be hearing 'em, so I figure it's long path!
Here's the beam headings for me to Rwanda:
9X | Rwanda | AF | 67°/247° | 13089km / 26941km |
Here's the headings to Manilla:
DU | Philippines | OC | 318°/138° | 13028km / 27002km |
So, there's a whole lot going on in that one clip and those signals are traveling a LONG way. All heard with my Icom R75 and INDOOR whip. Simply amazing.
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