Monday, May 9, 2011

FM Broadcast DX

We've got a couple waves of thunderstorms passing through my area this week which has the S-meter on my HF rig stuck at S-9. Not good. So, that's got me thinking about getting my FM DX gear back into shape after a long winter. The receiver I'm currently using is the JVC FX-97 that is modified with 110khz ceramic filters. I've shown that video here a few months ago (link). My antennas are a pair of stacked Winegard 6065Ps.

Unfortunately, right now, one is facing backwards with respect to the other, so I need to crawl up on the roof of the house and spin it back to where it should be. Then I'll be ready to chase FM DX again.  I have been very happy with these antennas. Here is a detailed review of it. "The Winegard HD6065P is a Log-Yagi array with ten elements on a 127″ boom. Four of the elements are driven. A shorted transmission line terminates at a passive reflector. Winegard has discontinued the HD6065P and replaced it with the HD6055P, an eight-element design on an 82″ boom. I've actually got a 6055p sitting in a box that I haven't opened yet. One of these days. Before I put up the Winegards, I had up some Antennacraft FM-6s which, for small antennas, work really well. (link)

To aid in identifying stations I use these resources:

More on those later on, when the season starts picking up, but you can check them out now on your own. Then for a log, I just have a spreadsheet that I put together. Anyway, more on all that when I get my act together and share some awesome FM DX with 'yall!

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